Sometimes it’s thrust upon you and you never saw it coming. You find yourself downsized, made redundant or replaceable. Other times it’s that nagging feeling… is this all there is? Sometimes it’s the turn of the calendar page. The start of a...
It’s nice when someone provides you with a simple formula for success. Like, E=mc2 but… specific for YOU. If you just follow their proven steps you’ll reach all of your goals without even breaking a sweat. This isn’t that. Sorry. I don’t...
Twenty years ago I worked with a group of impressive, ambitious, talented women on a high-profile project at a highly regarded network. It was among our first jobs, early in our careers. We were production assistants and support personnel. We cared about our work and...
“Good things come to those who wait,” they say. But they also say: “Stop waiting for things to happen. Go out and make them happen.” So, which is it? You are reading the work of an impatient person, writing furiously so I can hit...
There are a lot of ladder references in the corporate world. We strive to continually advance to The Top. Advancement is achieved on the Rungs of Opportunity. And, of course, it’s all about The Climb. (At least, according to Miley Cyrus…) Maybe...