Slow Progress is Still Progress

Slow Progress is Still Progress

There I was, stuck in a line of cars a half-mile long. My destination: a public works recycling event for locals to properly dispose of household items large and small – electronics, car tires, cleaners and fertilizers – all types of things detrimental to...
New Year, Same Old You

New Year, Same Old You

3 P’s were among my goals this year. I would be Productive. Positive. Patient. In other words, the kind of person who never gets Pissed Off. Someone other than the kind of person I actually am. I can’t help it, I’ve always been like this. I can be...
Organized I Am So Usually

Organized I Am So Usually

Are you getting through all your To-Do or just making do? Perhaps, like me, your To-Do list has run amok. I might need a To-Don’t list. My To-Do list runneth over, not just from the plethora of daily tasks I need to check off but from those desired and stubborn...