Things are kind of a mess right now. But you’re not. Even if you feel like you are. Even if you insist you are. Things aren’t working well. Things are broken. But you’re not. You’re you, being human in an increasingly complicated and messy...
“I feel like if I apply for the job, they’ll laugh at me.” “There’s nothing interesting about my story.” “This will never happen for me.” Each of these statements has been expressed to me by clients struggling to find...
You wouldn’t eat it, would you? It’s bad for you. Unhealthy. Unsatisfying. Toxic. So why do you keep feeding yourself garbage? I’m not talking about those Twinkies, Ring-Dings, and HoHo’s you keep tucked away in the pantry for the kids’...
Perhaps you’ve arrived here having Googled some version of this question late at night. I’ve done that. Or maybe you were searching how to clean up an actual mess, like pink silly putty a toddler ground into an off-white carpet. Like that splotch on the...
One time when my kids were little, I was angry that laundry had been left in the dryer by the other adult living in this house, apparently awaiting the arrival of the Magic Cleaning Fairy to fold it and put it away. And in a huff, I kicked the empty laundry basket...