Thankful to Be So Unlucky

Thankful to Be So Unlucky

The email came from a former colleague, one who has struggled to find her footing since being downsized several years ago. “You’re one of the lucky ones,” she wrote. “I’m glad to see things worked out so well for you.” I read the...
Who Am I to Judge?

Who Am I to Judge?

One time when my kids were little, I was angry that laundry had been left in the dryer by the other adult living in this house, apparently awaiting the arrival of the Magic Cleaning Fairy to fold it and put it away. And in a huff, I kicked the empty laundry basket...
New Year, Same Old You

New Year, Same Old You

3 P’s were among my goals this year. I would be Productive. Positive. Patient. In other words, the kind of person who never gets Pissed Off. Someone other than the kind of person I actually am. I can’t help it, I’ve always been like this. I can be...
Courage for the Fearful

Courage for the Fearful

“She is always looking for the next challenge and never frightened by change.” I cleaned out some files recently and found among the paperwork a “360 feedback” from a few years prior. One of the “observers” noted this of me:...
The Worst Advice I’ve Received

The Worst Advice I’ve Received

I’ve asked for and received a lot of advice over the course of my career. Some advice has been helpful. Other advice has been purely comical. In my quest for better work/life balance, I’ve polled co-workers who manage career and family about their life...