It’s an unseasonably cool night in May and I find myself at home, alone, with nothing to do. That’s right. Nothing to do! (This must be a fantasy story, you think. Who has nothing to do?) On this particular night, both kids were out of the house, the dog had...
Sometimes it’s thrust upon you and you never saw it coming. You find yourself downsized, made redundant or replaceable. Other times it’s that nagging feeling… is this all there is? Sometimes it’s the turn of the calendar page. The start of a...
I am, admittedly, not very good at self-care. That whole “put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.” Maybe it’s because I’ve always associated self-care with self-indulgence. It’s easy to see why – nearly every article...
The email came from a former colleague, one who has struggled to find her footing since being downsized several years ago. “You’re one of the lucky ones,” she wrote. “I’m glad to see things worked out so well for you.” I read the...
I don’t typically take pictures of my feet. And I certainly don’t post them where people will see them. Who does that? Why do that? Allow me to explain… I snapped this photo nearly three years ago, on the night before I was to undergo foot surgery...