It’s the start of the new year!
The start of a new DECADE!
(Unless you’re one of those persnickety people who insists the new decade doesn’t start until 2021… If so, may I ask why we called them the ‘Roaring 20s’? And, if someone is 40, aren’t they in their “40s”?)
This year, 2020, seems particularly full of positivity and purpose.
20/20, of course, is PERFECT vision.
It’s a year for laser-focus… for seeing things clearly… for optimal optics.
But what if you’re not yet sure of that 20/20 vision for 2020?
What if you KNOW you’re ready for a new chapter but don’t yet have a clear plan?
It can be very hard to proceed when you can’t see what’s ahead.
Make this the year to GET CLEAR by seeking CLUES.
Want to get a better vision of the future you? Ask the following questions:
What do you HAVE?
What have you come into this new decade with? OWN it, especially the GOOD stuff we so frequently brush off! (“Yeah, yeah,” you say, “I know I’m running an office and raising a family and I’m a stellar friend, but look how frizzy my hair is today!…”)
Now’s not the time to be hard on yourself (Are you a straight A or a total F?)
Focus on the positives – the skills, experience, and attributes – you’ve brought to this point. If you’re not sure what these are, it’s time to take stock. Ask those who know you well and who cheer you on, your Cast of Supporting Characters, to remind you of your best qualities.
What do you WANT?
When’s the last time you considered what YOU want?
Start with the question and take the time to consider a thoughtful answer. If it elicits general feelings like “joy” or “peace” or “happiness,” what do those words mean? What might they LOOK like in your life?
If something specific jumped into your head, something you want like a promotion or improved relationship or better health, what are the steps you need to take to get there?
What do you NEED?
Between here (where you are) and there (where you want to go), there may be a gap you can’t yet leap. But neither do you need to fall into a deep chasm of despair. What might be missing to get you to that future spot? Coursework? Connections? Courage? List what you currently lack and where and when you might find it.
What feels like YOU?
When comes naturally? When are you most in your element, when time passes by without even noticing? What are the things other people despise doing that you love? What do people say you’re good at? (Even if you don’t yet see it yourself!)
Search for CLUES. Add them up. Adjust the course as necessary.
Know that there’s no one prescription for success. Holding your instincts under a microscope will help you see them better and provide the vision you’re looking for.
And, hey, the year’s not over yet… There’s plenty of time to see it clearly.
Valerie Gordon is the founder and owner of career and communications strategy firm, The Storytelling Strategist and the Commander-in-She blog. She speaks at conferences and works with corporations to advance their talent pool and provide women with the tools and skills necessary to advance their careers and find personal success and satisfaction.