Does anyone care about blogs anymore? Aren’t they passe? Shouldn’t I be podcasting, hosting a room on Clubhouse, or awkwardly dancing my way through Tik-Tok? (I can hear my teen daughter begging me not to do that…) I’ve always been somewhat...
I have to be honest. Last year when my friend Nathalie told me about her latest hobby, I made fun of her. I know. That’s not very nice of me. But… the hobby she mentioned was…. Paint-by-Numbers. I mean, come on… hahahahaha! What middle-aged...
The weather is cooling, a sign that fall is coming… my favorite season! Fall is sweater weather and suede boots. Fall is colorful foliage, picking crisp apples in the cool air, and football Saturdays. (Or, at least, the memory of college football when I’d...
The other day I took the dog for a long walk, as these days I tend to do What else is there to do in a global pandemic / national recession / impending climate catastrophe? Walking is a relaxing stress-reliever. It’s also productive. I do my best thinking on...
Remember that kid in The Sixth Sense? He sees dead people. They’re everywhere. Psst…They don’t know they’re dead. I’m just like that kid. (Well, sort of. I don’t see dead people – thank goodness for that!) I see stories....
Two years ago, in the depths of what I didn’t recognize then as a dangerous case of burn-out, I had this crazy image. I pictured my busy, exhausted self falling on the sidewalk and cracking open, only to find dozens… hundreds… thousands of words...