Three months earlier I sat with a friend as she pondered her next career move. A seasoned and skilled executive, she had been marginalized by a company that both overworked and undervalued her. She had been passed over for a promotion that went to a man with less...
It must be exhausting for cauliflower. There was a time when cauliflower could just be… cauliflower. A steamed vegetable on a platter, the side dish no one ever really wanted. Maybe occasionally pureed into a soup… that few chose to lead off their meal....
If you could choose a superpower, which would you pick? The power to fly? A cloak of invisibility? The ability to be in two places at a single time so that when the kids are sick or daycare is closed you can be both at home with them and at work? I know what I’d...
A (ambitious, talented, inspiring) woman reviewed with me the impending launch of her latest venture and her concerns about the uncertainty of owning and running her own business. As she told me about her prior (many, impressive, worthy) achievements and (clear,...
Puppies are cute. Babies are cute. The way my husband once tried to trick me by insisting the vanilla side of a black & white cookie was the best part just so I’d let him eat all of the chocolate, was sort of cute. But being called “cute” in a...
It’s the most dreaded question of all! “Tell me about yourself.” Followed closely by the equally ambiguous, “So… what’s your story?” What do I say? What do they want to hear? I don’t even have a story! Yes, you do....